Monday, November 6, 2017


Yesterday, a man opened fire in a church in Texas. He killed 26, including children and a pregnant mother. I heard about it from my wife, reading it on her phone while we watched Spiderman, digesting a nice meal of Chinese food, and 'huggling' with my son on the couch. (It's an old word he came up with when he first learned to talk. We still use it. I like it. The word and the huggling, which is really just sitting close and chilling.)

So yeah, I'm thankful. Thankful I wasn't a victim of violence. As Dr. Robert Maurer iterates in his lectures, we often default to complaining and anxiety, rather than thanking our Maker for another day of breath and mobility and opportunity. So, I'm thankful.

We say prayers with the kids every night, and before we do, I ask them what they're thankful for. I also contribute my thanks, as does my wife. Usually from the kids, it's that "I had a good day", which is good. Sometimes, it's more specific, but it doesn't always have to be. However who we're thankful to - That's specific. Our Creator God, Jesus Christ - Not only for the things we have, but for what we don't have. and above all, who we have. Those parishioners in Texas - We'll see what the fallout is in that church and community. If they were indeed believers, faithful and trusting in their Creator God's sovereignty, do not be surprised to hear words of praise, worship and maybe even forgiveness.

And don't be surprised if not all of them share that. We are a broken people, and sorrow can overwhelm. Faith can be shaken. Truth can be obfuscated by actions of evil. But truth does indeed remain. And in some ways, evil shows truth and beauty more clearly, as we often forget truth and beauty until it is betrayed,  mired as we are in our comfort and routine.

So, I want to remain thankful, especially in times of good for me and my family, so that I remember to be thankful when tragedy comes.

I'm thankful I was able to write tonight, and yesterday after the entry.


Press on.

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