Sunday, March 4, 2018

Tiny Steps

So, November - What happened back there, eh?  I didn't win NaNoWriMo, but I did win something else, if it can be considered a victory.

As I started to get burned out, I was looking for encouragement, and came across an article interviewing a published author/teacher whose whole routine is writing 250 words a day, minimum. He pointed out that even at the bare minimum, 250 words a day will yield 70,000 words over a years time. No small feat, though NaNoWriMo aims at 50,000 in a month.

I adopted his suggestion, and have been working diligently on my book and making good, if slow, progress. But progress to be sure.

So, to be clear, it's not "easy". It is doable. However, I've come to the place in the last week or two where I'm putting down just enough words to cover my goal, as I'm struggling to direct my story towards the next big event in a meaningful way. My concern is that I'm going to flush a lot of what I've been doing over the last couple weeks down the toilet in editing once I get past it, but that's fine, I suppose.

Still, since beginning this regime, I've had many (most) days go well over 250 words. Sometimes, it all just flows. But 250 allows me to be consistent without worrying that when I sit down to write, I'll have to be at the computer for hours. I can usually get my words down in about a half-hour, and if I'm rolling, can take more time as needed; But if I'm struggling, I can put it down guilt free, knowing I've pushed through more of the muck that just needs to be hammered out.

If you are considering setting a writing goal, but have yet to start for fear of failure, please allow me to suggest the "250 word a day" program. It's more than nothing, and if you scrap it all, you're at the same place as if you never did anything.

But you won't scrap it all.

Press on,

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